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Magnifiers, Hand Held, Electric, Tabletop, Assortment

Assortment of Magnifiers
For higher quantity price breaks or any questions call 714-979-1405 or email us at Sales@HittMarking.com

38 items found
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2" Dia. 3X Handheld Acrylic Lens Magnifier
Our series of high quality, low-cost Handheld Acrylic Lens Magnifiers are ideal for the examination of latent prints and many other types of physical evidence in the laboratory or at a crime scene.

3" Dia. 3X Handheld Acrylic Lens Magnifier
Our series of high quality, low-cost Handheld Acrylic Lens Magnifiers are ideal for the examination of latent prints and many other types of physical evidence in the laboratory or at a crime scene.

4" Dia. 3X Handheld Acrylic Lens Magnifier
Our series of high quality, low-cost Handheld Acrylic Lens Magnifiers are ideal for the examination of latent prints and many other types of physical evidence in the laboratory or at a crime scene.

5" Dia. 2/5X Handheld Acrylic Lens Magnifier
Our series of high quality, low-cost Handheld Acrylic Lens Magnifiers are ideal for the examination of latent prints and many other types of physical evidence in the laboratory or at a crime scene.

Regula Visualizer of magnetic properties 4197
Visualizer of Magnetic Properties

10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & IR-980 Light Magnifier
10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & Retroflective Light Magnifier

10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & Retroflective Light Magnifier with Scale
Regula 11.1 10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & Retroflective Light Magnifier with Scale
10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & Retroflective Light Magnifier with Scale

Regula 5001МК.01, Spectral Luminescent Microscope
Manual or remote control of: magnification, light sources, imaging filters.

10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & IR-980 Light Magnifier
Regula UV13 10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & IR-980 Light Magnifier
10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & IR-980 Light Magnifier

10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & IR-980 Light Magnifier with Scale
Regula 13.1 UV 10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & IR-980 Light Magnifier with Scale
10X General Purpose UV-365, White, & IR-980 Light Magnifier with Scale

10X General Purpose 6 Mode Magnifier
Regula MAG-UV19 and MAG-UV19.1 General Purpose Magnifiers
10X General Purpose 6 Mode Magnifier

10X General Purpose 6 Mode Magnifier with Scale
Regula UV19.1 10X General Purpose 6 Mode Magnifier with Scale
10X General Purpose 6 Mode Magnifier with Scale

10X General Purpose Magnifier
PM10 10X General Purpose Magnifier
MAGPM10, 10X General Purpose Magnifier

10X Tripod Fingerprint Magnifier
FS-MAGTRI, 10X Tripod Fingerprint Magnifier

Magnifier Regula Model 1001M
Xamination of fingerprints, banknotes, documents, and other security papers.

Magnifier Regula Model 1002M
Xamination of fingerprints, banknotes, documents, and other security papers.

Magnifier Regula Model 1003M
Xamination of fingerprints, banknotes, documents, and other security papers.

Magnifier Regula Model 1004M
Xamination of fingerprints, banknotes, documents, and other security papers.

Dome Magnifier, 2 inch Diameter
4X Magnifier

4X Dome Magnifier
4X Magnifier

4X Dome Magnifier
4X Magnifier

Dome Magnifier 3-1/2" dia. 4X
4X Magnifier

4.5X Fingerprint Classifier Magnifier
This German-crafted Magnifier has the finest optics and the most distortion-free, flat-field lenses available.

Battley Disc (concentric circles)
MAGCMB, Battley Disc (concentric circles)

Crosshair Disc (two crossing lines)
MAGCMC, Crosshair Disc (two crossing lines)

Henry Disc (one line)
MAGCMH, Henry Disc (one line)

FS-MAGCMHB, with half rings)
MAGCMHB, Henry-Battley Disc (line with half rings)

Regula 1007
Dactyloscopic magnifier - Regula 1007
Dactyloscopic magnifier - Regula 1007

Regula 1007
FM5 5X Fingerprint Magnifier
This Fingerprint Magnifier contains one 1.8" (46 mm) diameter, optically ground and a polished glass lens, providing uniform and crystal clear magnification across the entire field. Precision focusing is accomplished with a worm screw height adjustment.

Regula 1008 Dactyloscopic Magnifier
Regula 1008 is a compact device constructed in metal body with the possibility of diopter adjustment of the eyepiece.

Regula 70X4M Document Reader
Automatic reading and authenticity verification of passports, IDs, visas, driver’s licenses and other identification documents.

Shirt Pocket Folding General Purpose Magnifier
MAGPOC, Shirt Pocket Folding General Purpose Magnifier

Digital Video Mag
DM-55 1.9x - 13.6x Magnification

Folding Fingerprint Magnifier
This fixed-focus magnifier has a folding metal stand and two optically ground and polished glass lenses.

6X Folding Fingerprint Magnifier
This fixed-focus magnifier has a folding metal stand and two optically ground and polished glass lenses.

6X Folding Fingerprint Magnifier
This fixed-focus magnifier has a folding metal stand and two optically ground and polished glass lenses.

2" Dia. 3X Handheld Acrylic Lens Magnifier w/Light
2" Dia. 3X Handheld Acrylic Lens Magnifier w/Light