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NIK® Test Pouches/Kit Refill Pouches

NIK® Test Pouches/Kit Refill PouchesNIK® Test Pouches/Kit Refill Pouches

The testing of suspected drugs by most crime laboratories can take several weeks. Because of this delay, and with the cooperation of Prosecuting Attorneys, many police agencies have now turned to presumptive drug testing kits. If the results of the presumptive drug test indicate an illegal substance, criminal charges may be filed. The substance can then be sent to the crime laboratory for gas chromatography/mass spectrometry confirmation.

Nik® Test Pouches/Kit Refill Pouches consist of a heavy-duty, flexible plastic pouch which contains prefilled, hermetically sealed glass ampoules held together by a plastic harness as well as a drug loading device. The glass ampoules contain a premeasured volume of the required chemicals to preform the test.

SHELF LIFE: Reagent shelf life is indefinite if stored out of direct sunlight and at room temperature.

For higher quantity price breaks or any questions call 714-979-1405 or email us at Sales@HittMarking.com
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With the evolution of cannabis-related laws, easy identification between the types of marijuana plants has become more important. To date, law enforcement officers have not been able distinguish between plants grown for hemp products and cannabidiol (CBD) production versus those with a high content of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) grown for recreational marijuana use. The CBD Quick Test developed in Switzerland.

NIK® Test S - Cannabinoids
KN Reagent (Fast Blue B) test for Cannabinoids will test dried leafy material, green leaves and seeds.

Fröhdes Reagent tests for Pentazocine (Talwin), and can be used as a secondary test for Heroin.Positive Result(s): Dark blue is a positive reaction for Pentazocine. Purple is a positive reaction for Heroin.

For the presumptive identification of Psilocybin in mushrooms. This test does not require a sequence in the Polytesting System. Can also be used after the Test A, B and K sequence for presumptive verification.Positive Result: A purple coloration after breaking the second ampoule.

NIK-6071 Test A - Nik Marquis Kit - 10/box
Bath Salts are a chemical formulation that produce a number of reactions similar to cocaine or amphetamines when ingested. They can cause severe hallucinations, delusions, suicidality, and agitation in addition to physical symptoms like chest pain, increased blood pressure, and increased pulse.

NIK-6072 Test B - Confirming Test - 10/box
Bath Salts are a chemical formulation that produce a number of reactions similar to cocaine or amphetamines when ingested. They can cause severe hallucinations, delusions, suicidality, and agitation in addition to physical symptoms like chest pain, increased blood pressure, and increased pulse.

NIK-6073 Test C - Barbiturates - 10/box
Nik® Test Pouches/Kit Refill Pouches consist of a heavy-duty, flexible plastic pouch which contains prefilled, hermetically sealed glass ampoules held together by a plastic harness as well as a drug loading device. The glass ampoules contain a premeasured volume of the required chemicals to preform the test.

NIK-6073 Test C - Barbiturates - 10/box
Nik® Test Pouches/Kit Refill Pouches consist of a heavy-duty, flexible plastic pouch which contains prefilled, hermetically sealed glass ampoules held together by a plastic harness as well as a drug loading device. The glass ampoules contain a premeasured volume of the required chemicals to preform the test.

NIK-6075 Test E - Marijuana - 10/box
Standalone test for the presumptive identification of Marijuana, Hashish and “Hash Oil”.

Test F - Acid Neutralizer
Acid Neutralizer should always be used upon completion of each test, to ensure that the strong acids and bases contained in many tests won’t post a danger to personnel. Each pouch includes enough acid neutralizer to neutralize five individual NIK tests.

NIK-6077 Test G - Cocaine, Crack/Free Base - 10/box
Modified Scott Reagent - For the presumptive identification of Cocaine, Crack or Free Base.

NIK-6078 Test H - Methadone - 10/box
For the presumptive identification of Methadone.

NIK-6079 Test J - PCP - 10/box
For the presumptive identification of PCP (Phencyclidine). Test J should be used after positive results from Tests A, G, I and W.

NIK-6080 Test K - Opiates - 10/box
For the presumptive identification of Heroin, Black Tar, Codeine and Morphine.

NIK-6081 Test L - Brown Heroin - 10/box
For the presumptive identification of all forms of Heroin, including White, Brown and Black Tar, and MDMA (Ecstasy).

NIK-6082 Test M - Methaqualone - 10/box
For the presumptive identification of Methaqualone (Quaaludes, Sopor Somnafac, Opitimil and Parest are the trade names).

NIK-6083 Test N - Pentazocine - 10/box
For the presumptive identification of Pentazocine, commonly known under the trade name Talwin® Nx or Talacen, as well as a presumptive test for Oxycodone.

NIK-6075 Test E - Marijuana - 10/box
For the presumptive identification of Propoxyphene, commonly known under the tradename Darvon®.

NIK-6085 Test Q - Ephedrine - 10/box
For the presumptive identification of Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine.

NIK-6086 Test R - Valium - 10/box
For the presumptive identification of Valium (Diazepam), Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam) and Methcathinone.

NIK-6087 Test U - Sodium Nitroprusside
For the presumptive identification of Methamphetamine and MDMA (Ecstacy). Test A should always be used prior to Test U, as color results for Methamphetamine, Amphetamine and MDMA (Ecstasy) can be very similar. Available in a box of 10.

NIK-6088 Test W - Mandelin - 10/box
Mandelin Reagent - For the presumptive identification of Amphetamines and Methadone, as well as screening for PMA and Ketamine in conjunction with Test I.

NIK-6089 Test I - Liebermans - 10/box
Lieberman’s Reagent - For the general screening to presumptively identify PMA, Ketamine, Barbiturates and Methadone. This test is used after a Brown result in Test A, or a clear result in Test A followed by no change in Test G.

NIK-6090 Test O - (GHB) Gamma Hydroxybutyrate - 5/Box
For the presumptive identification of GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate). It is used after positive results from Tests A, G, I, W, J and R. A positive result is indicated by a green hue.

NIK-6091 Test T - Ketamine - 10/box
Morris Reagent - For the presumptive identification of Ketamine.

NIK Complete Training Kit
This complete training kit is designed for an instructor wishing to provide training on the NIK Polytesting System. It includes the NIK Self-Training CD, Basic Competency Training Kit, Instructa-Pac® and a copy of the Field Testing with the NIK System DVD.

NIK® Nik Master‐Pac 130 Tests
Master‐Pac 130 Tests

NIK® 60-PAC™
Recommended for patrol operations, remote field operations, precinct and squad room testing operations. The 60-Pac is a good routine investigation kit for presumptively identifying opium alkaloids, amphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, and marijuana. This kit allows for two levels of screening for many substances. The kit contains 60 individual presumptive tests.Please contact Customer Care to customize the kit assortment when selecting the Custom kit option.

NIK® 60-PAC™
Recommended for patrol operations, remote field operations, precinct and squad room testing operations. The 60-Pac is a good routine investigation kit for presumptively identifying opium alkaloids, amphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, and marijuana. This kit allows for two levels of screening for many substances. The kit contains 60 individual presumptive tests.Please contact Customer Care to customize the kit assortment when selecting the Custom kit option.

NIK® Cocaine ID Swabs, Box of 50
Presumptively detect the presence of Cocaine by simply wiping a Cocaine ID Swab over the suspected surface.

NIK® Freshplates
Freshplates are 12-unit spot plates for use in forensic laboratories when performing color spot tests. They are resistant to acids but not to solvents such as chloroform or acetone.

NIK® P-10 Polytesting Report Pad
MODEL: 9001 SKU: 1006314 PART: 9001

Designed to give the patrol officer the options to test a variety of illicit narcotics without carrying excess tests in an already crowded trunk space of the patrol vehicle. The variety of tests can preemptively identify opium alkaloids, amphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, and marijuana

Designed to give the patrol officer the options to test a variety of illicit narcotics without carrying excess tests in an already crowded trunk space of the patrol vehicle. The variety of tests can preemptively identify opium alkaloids, amphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, and marijuana

NIK® Special Fentanyl Test Pack
Recommended for patrol operations, remote field operations, precinct and squad room testing operations. The 60-Pac is a good routine investigation kit for presumptively identifying opium alkaloids, amphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, and marijuana. This kit allows for two levels of screening for many substances. The kit contains 60 individual presumptive tests.