RIBtype REGULAR (A) Typestyle
RIBtype Type Sets; The most economical way to buy individual letters and numbers is in type sets, also call sets or fonts.
RIBTA: Assortment includes capital letters, numbers, and punctuations marks.
RIBFA: Figure assortments include numbers, punctuation marks, and currency symbols only.
RIBFAVP: Figures only with a much larger count for a much better value.
Type Styles: RIBtype ribbed rubber type sets are stocked in our four most popular styles; A, regular; B, condensed; U, bold and G, bold condensed.
Sizes: Type sets are available in sizes ranging from; 1/16" to 2" in height. Sets in sizes up to 1" are usually in stock and ready for shipment.
Custom Type Sets: RIBtype can be manufactured in nearly any typeface and size. For higher quantity price breaks or any questions call 714-979-1405 or email us at Sales@HittMarking.com
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