Signature Stamps
Signature Stamps
Choose either the self-Inking signature stamp, pre-inked signature stamp or the conventional hand signature stamp. Simply scan your signature image and upload it into our easy to order online ordering system, or feel free to email us a copy of your signature and we will be happy to assist you with your request. To secure the best quality signature stamp, just sign on plain white piece of paper and use your normal signature size. When we receive it we will resize to fit your stamp.
The best pens to use are felt tip pens. The finer your signature the harder it is to work with so it's best to avoid fine pens.
Upload Signature
- Files Accepted: Jpeg, Gif, Png
- Files Not Accepted: Word Documents, PDF, all other types not shown above
- If you have your signature in a file type that is not accepted, please choose the Email / Fax Signature option.
Email Fax Signature
- Files Accepted: Word, PDF, Jpeg, Gif, Png
- Once stamp is ordered you will receive an order number. Please reference this order number when sending over your signature.
“Manufacturing Quality Products since 1987 - Make Your Mark a HITT"
Any questions call 714-979-1405 or email us at
Upload your Signature
Upload your Signature
Upload your Signature
Upload your Signature
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