NOTE: Based on our research, we believe this information to be current as of December 2010. This information should not be relied on in determining the legal requirements of a particular jurisdiction. If you have any questions, corrections or updates in connection with this list, contact us at or call us at (714) 979-1405.
Statutory References for Notary Seal Requirements
below list of U.S. states and territories indicates whether a notary
public in that jurisdiction is required to validate notarial acts by
affixing an official seal. The list also includes the source where the
Texas secretary of state obtained the information for each state or
Seal required.
Source: Ala. Code § 36-20-32. Seal.
For the authentication of his official acts, each such notary must provide a seal of office which must present, by its impression, his name, office and the state for which he was appointed.
Seal required.
Source: Alaska Stat. § 44.50.064. Official seal.
(a) A notary public shall keep an official seal, which is the exclusive property of the notary public, and shall ensure that another person does not possess or use the official seal.
(b) A notary public’s official seal
(1) must contain
(A) the notary public’s name exactly as indicated on the notary public’s commission certificate;
(B) the words “Notary Public” and “State of Alaska”; and
(2) may be a circular form not over two inches in diameter, may be a rectangular form not more than one inch in width by two and one-half inches in length, or may be an electronic form as authorized by regulations adopted by the lieutenant governor.
American Samoa
Seal required.
Source: American Samoa Notary Public Handbook; See also Am. Somoa Code Ann. §31.0301 et seq.
31.0339 Official Seal
(a) A notary shall keep an official seal that is the exclusive property of the notary. The seal shall not be possessed or used by any other person, nor surrendered to an employer upon termination of employment.
(b) An image of the official seal shall be affixed by the notary on every paper document notarized.
(c) An image of the seal shall be affixed only at the time the notarial act is performed.
(d) When not in use, the seal shall be kept secure and accessible only to the notary.
(e) Any seal image affixed by an adhesive label shall bear a preprinted sequential
number which shall be recorded in the journal of notarial acts for its respective notarization.
(f) Within 10 days after the seal of a notary is stolen, lost, damaged, or otherwise rendered incapable of affixing a legible image, the notary, after informing the appropriate law enforcement agency in the case of theft or vandalism, shall notify the Secretary by any means providing a tangible receipt or acknowledgment, including certified mail and electronic transmission, and also provide a copy or number of any pertinent police report. Upon receipt of such notice the Secretary shall issue to the notary a new Certificate of Authorization to Purchase a Notary Seal, which shall be presented to a seal vendor in accordance with section 31.0341.
(g) As soon as reasonably practicable after resignation, revocation, or expiration of a notary commission, or death of the notary, the seal shall be destroyed or defaced so that it may not be misused.
31.0340 Seal Image
(a) Near the notary’s official signature on the notarial certificate of a paper document, the notary shall affix a sharp, legible, permanent, and photographically reproducible image of the official seal that shall include the following elements:
(1) the notary’s name exactly as indicated on the commission;
(2) the serial number of the notary’s commission;
(3) the words “Notary Public” and “Territory of American Samoa” and “My commission expires (commission expiration date)”;
(4) the notary’s business address; and
(5) a border in a rectangular shape no larger than 1 inch by 2 inches, surrounding the required words.
(b) Illegible information within a seal impression may be typed or printed legibly by the notary adjacent to but not within the impression.
(c) An embossed seal impression that is not photographically reproducible may be used in addition to but not in lieu of the seal described in subsection (a).
Seal required.
Source: Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 41-321. Duties
…B. Notaries public shall:…3. Authenticate with the official seal all official acts on every certificate or acknowledgment signed and sealed by the notary.
See also Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 41-321. Obtaining a seal; violation; classification
…(B) A notary public’s official seal may be any shape and shall produce a stamped seal that is no more than one and one-half inches high and two and one-half inches wide. A notary public may possess only one official seal but may also possess and use an embossing seal that may be used only in conjunction with the notary public’s official seal. An embossing seal is not an official seal of a notary public.
Seal required.
Source: Ark. Code Ann. § 21-14-107(b)-(c). Signature – Seal.
…(b)(1) Under or near a notary public’s official signature on every notary certificate, the notary public shall provide a seal of his or her office, which shall be either a rubber stamp seal or a seal embosser. The seal shall be clear and legible and capable of photographic reproduction.
(2) The seal shall include:
(A) The notary public’s name exactly as he or she writes his or her official signature;
(B) The name of the county where the notary public’s bond is filed;
(C) The words “notary public” and “Arkansas”;
(D) The date upon which the notary public’s commission expires; and
(E) The notary public’s commission number issued by the Secretary of State if the notary public has been issued a commission number.
(c) A notary seal shall not include the Seal of the State of Arkansas or an outline of the state.
Seal required.
Source: Cal. Gov’t Code § 8207
A notary public shall provide and keep an official seal, which shall clearly show, when embossed, stamped, impressed or affixed to a document, the name of the notary, the State Seal, the words "Notary Public," and the name of the county wherein the bond and oath of office are filed, and the date the notary public's commission expires. The seal of every notary public commissioned on or after January 1, 1992, shall contain the sequential identification number assigned to the notary and the sequential identification number assigned to the manufacturer or vendor. The notary public shall authenticate with the official seal all official acts. … The seal of every notary public shall be affixed by a seal press or stamp that will print or emboss a seal which legibly reproduces under photographic methods the required elements of the seal. The seal may be circular not over two inches in diameter, or may be a rectangular form of not more than one inch in width by two and one-half inches in length, with a serrated or milled edged border, and shall contain the information required by this section.
Seal required.
Source: Colo. Rev. Stat. § 12-55-112. Official signature - rubber stamp seal - seal embosser - notary's electronic signature.
(1) At the time of notarization, a notary public shall sign such notary’s official signature on every notary certificate or in the case of an electronic record, a notary public shall affix his or her electronic signature.
(2) Under or near such notary’s official signature on every notary certificate, a notary public shall rubber stamp or emboss clearly and legibly such notary’s official seal. The official notary seal shall contain only the outline of the seal, the name of the notary, exactly as such notary writes his or her official signature, the words “STATE OF COLORADO”, and the words “NOTARY PUBLIC”.
(3) Under or near such notary’s official signature on every notary certificate, a notary public shall write or stamp “my commission expires (commission expiration date)”.
(4) Every notary public may provide, keep, and use a seal embosser engraved to show such notary’s name and the words “NOTARY PUBLIC” and “STATE OF COLORADO”. The indentations made by the seal embosser shall not be applied on the document where the notary certificate appears in a manner that will render illegible or incapable of photographic reproduction any of the printed marks or writing.
(4.5) In the case of notarization of an electronic record, the application of a notary’s electronic signature in lieu of a handwritten signature and rubber stamp seal or seal embosser is sufficient. A notary shall not use an electronic signature unless:
(a) The notary uses a journal if maintaining such journal is required by section 12-55-111; and
(b) The notary attaches to the document a document authentication number issued by the secretary of state.
(5) The illegibility of any of the information required by this section does not affect the validity of a document or transaction.
(6) For purposes of this section, “notary certificate” means a certificate or other statement of a notary relating to a notarial act performed by such notary
No seal required, but specific requirements if choose to use one.
Source: Conn. Gen. Stat. § 3-94k . Notarial certificate. Notarial seal. Stamp.
If a notary public utilizes a notarial seal, the notary shall, near the notary’s official signature on a notarial certificate, affix an impression of the notarial seal, which shall include: (1) The notary’s name exactly as it appears on the notary’s certificate of appointment, (2) the words “Notary Public” and “Connecticut” and (3) the words “My commission expires (commission expiration date)”, provided the notary may elect to have the words in subdivision (3) appear on a stamp instead of such seal. If the notary does not utilize a notarial seal or stamp, the words “Notary Public” and “My commission expires (commission expiration date)” shall be typed or printed legibly by the notary near the notary’s official signature on a notarial certificate.
Seal required.
Source: Del. Code Ann. § 4310. Engraving of seal; effect of use of nonconforming seal; electronic notarial seal; notary's official signature; electronic signature.
(a) The seal required by § 4309 of this title shall be used in the transaction of official business by notaries public. Each notary public shall provide, keep and use a seal that is either an engraved embossed seal or a black-inked rubber stamp seal to be used on the paper document being notarized. The seal shall contain the notary’s name exactly as it appears on the commission, the words “My Commission expires on” and the commission expiration date and the words “Notary Public” and “State of Delaware.”
(b) If the official seal of any notary public is not engraved in conformity with this section, it shall not invalidate an official act, but such act shall be as valid as though the seal had been engraved in conformity with the requirements of this section.
(c) The electronic seal required by § 4309 of this title shall be used in the transaction of all official electronic notarial acts and shall contain the notary’s name exactly as it appears on the commission, the words “My Commission expires on” and the commission expiration date and the words “Notary Public” and “State of Delaware.”
(d) In acting as a notary public, a notary shall sign the notary’s name exactly and only as it appears on the commission, or otherwise execute the notary’s electronic signature in a manner that attributes such signature to the notary public identified on the commission.
(e) The notary’s official electronic seal and signature shall be attached to an electronic document in a manner that is capable of independent verification and prevents any subsequent changes or modifications to the electronic document.
District of Columbia
Seal required.
Source: D.C. Code § 1-1204. Seal.
Each notary public shall provide a notarial seal with which he shall authenticate all his official acts.
See also D.C. Code § 1-1205. Filing of signature; depositing impression of seal; certification as to authenticity.
Each notary public shall file his signature and deposit an impression of his official seal with the Mayor of the District of Columbia or his designated agent, and the Mayor or his designated agent may certify to the authenticity of the signature and official seal of the notary public.
Seal required.
Source: Fla. Stat. § 117.05. Use of notary commission; unlawful use; notary fee; seal; duties; employer liability; name change; advertising; photocopies; penalties.
…(3)(a) A notary public seal shall be affixed to all notarized paper documents and shall be of the rubber stamp type and shall include the words “Notary Public-State of Florida.” The seal shall also include the name of the notary public, the date of expiration of the commission of the notary public, and the commission number. The rubber stamp seal must be affixed to the notarized paper document in photographically reproducible black ink. Every notary public shall print, type, or stamp below his or her signature on a paper document his or her name exactly as commissioned. An impression-type seal may be used in addition to the rubber stamp seal, but the rubber stamp seal shall be the official seal for use on a paper document, and the impression-type seal may not be substituted therefor.
(b) Any notary public whose term of appointment extends beyond January 1, 1992, is required to use a rubber stamp type notary public seal on paper documents only upon reappointment on or after January 1, 1992.
Seal required.
Source: Ga. Code Ann. § 45-17-6. Seal of office.
(a)(1) For the authentication of his notarial acts each notary public must provide a seal of office, which seal shall have for its impression his name, the words ‘Notary Public,’ the name of the state, and the county of his residence; or it shall have for its impression his name and the words ‘Notary Public, Georgia, State at Large.’ Notaries commissioned or renewing their commission after July 1, 1985, shall provide a seal of office which shall have for its impression the notary’s name, the words ‘Notary Public,’ the name of the state, and the county of his appointment. The embossment of notarial certificates by the notary’s seal shall be authorized but not necessary, and the use of a rubber or other type stamp shall be sufficient for imprinting the notary’s seal. A scrawl shall not be a sufficient notary seal. An official notarial act must be documented by the notary’s seal.
Seal required.
Source: Guam Code Ann. § 33412. Notarial Seals.
(a) Near the notary’s official signature on a notarial certificate, the notary shall affix in black ink a sharp, legible, and photographically reproducible inked stamp impression of the notarial seal that must include the following elements:
(1) The notary’s name exactly as is indicated on the commission;
(2) The words "Notary Public, in and for the Territory of Guam, U.S.A." and "My commission expires (commission expiration date)";
(3) The address of the notary’s business or residence; and
(4) A rectangular border surrounding the required words.
(b) Illegible information within an inked stamp impression of the notarial seal may be typed or printed legibly by the notary adjacent to but not within the impression. The commission expiration date must be an integral part of the inked stamp notarial seal and may not be inserted into the impression.
(c) An embossed seal impression that may be photographically reproducible and which shall contain the words "Notary Public in and for the Territory of Guam, USA," and the notary’s name exactly as indicated on the commission shall be used in addition to but not in lieu of the seal described in subsection (a).
Seal required.
Source: Haw. Rev. Stat. § 456-3. Seal.
Every notary public shall constantly keep an engraved seal of office or a rubber stamp facsimile seal which shall clearly show, when embossed, stamped, or impressed upon a document, the notary's name, and the words, "notary public" and "State of Hawaii". The notary public shall authenticate all the notary's official acts, attestations, certificates, and instruments therewith, and shall always add to an official signature the typed or printed name of the notary and a statement showing the date that the notary's commission expires.
Seal required.
Source: Idaho Code Ann. § 51-106. Seal.
(1) Each notary public whose current commission became effective prior to July 1, 1998, shall provide and keep an official seal which shall conform to one (1) of the following configurations:
(a) A seal embosser engraved with the words “Notary Public,” the notary public’s name, and the words “State of Idaho.”
(b) A rubber stamp with a serrated or milled edge border in rectangular or circular form, which contains the same information required for the seal embosser.
(2) Each notary public whose current commission became effective on or after July 1, 1998, shall provide and keep an official seal which shall be a rubber stamp with a serrated or milled edge border in a rectangular or circular form, which includes the words “Notary Public,” the notary public’s name, the words “State of Idaho,” and nothing more.
(3) The seal shall be impressed below or near the notary public’s official signature on each notary certificate which he administers.
Seal required.
Source: Ill. Comp. Stat. § 3-101. Official Seal and Signature.
(a) Each notary public shall, upon receiving the commission from the county clerk, obtain an official rubber stamp seal with which the notary shall authenticate his official acts. The rubber stamp seal shall contain the following information:
(1) the words “Official Seal”;
(2) the notary’s official name;
(3) the words “Notary Public”, “State of Illinois”, and “My commission expires____________(commission expiration date)”; and
(4) a serrated or milled edge border in a rectangular form not more than one inch in height by two and one‑half inches in length surrounding the information.
(b) At the time of the notarial act, a notary public shall officially sign every notary certificate and affix the rubber stamp seal clearly and legibly using black ink, so that it is capable of photographic reproduction. The illegibility of any of the information required by this Section does not affect the validity of a transaction.
Seal required.
Source: Ind. Code § 33-42-2-4 Seal; acts void if not attested by seal.
A notary may not act until the notary has procured a seal that will stamp upon paper a distinct impression, in words or letters, sufficiently indicating the notary’s official character, to which may be added any other device as the notary public may choose.
Seal required.
Source: Iowa Code § 9E.6A. Acquisition and use of stamp or seal.
…2. The stamp or seal as required in this section shall contain all of the following:
a. For a person appointed as a notary public pursuant to section 9E.3, all of the following:
(1) The words “Notarial Seal” and “Iowa”.
(2) The person’s name.
(3) The words “Commission Number” followed by a number assigned to the notary public by the secretary of state.
(4) The words “My Commission Expires” followed either by the date that the notary public’s term would ordinarily expire as provided in section 9E.4 or a blank line. If the seal or stamp contains a blank line, the person must print the date that the notary public’s term would ordinarily expire on the blank line imprinted on each document, instrument, or paper subject to a notarial act.
b. For any other person, all of the following:
(1) The words “Notarial Seal” and “Iowa”.
(2) The person’s name.
(3) The person’s title under which the person may perform a notarial act under section 9E.10.
Seal required.
Source: Kan. Stat. Ann. § 53-105. Seal; statement of date of expiration of appointment.
Every notary public shall provide a notarial seal containing such notary’s name exactly as it appears on the application for appointment as a notary public, and the words “notary public” and “state of Kansas” or words of like import indicating statewide notarial authority, approved by the secretary of state. Such seal shall authenticate all official acts, attestations and instruments therewith. Every notary public shall add to such notary’s official signature the date of expiration of appointment as a notary public. The seal of every notary public shall be either a seal press and the impression thereof inked or blackened or a rubber stamp to be used with permanent ink so that any such seal may be legibly reproduced by photographic process. No notary public shall use either such seal unless an impression thereof has been filed in the office of secretary of state.
No seal required, but specific requirements if choose to use one.
Source: See Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 423.010 - 423.990
From the FAQ in their current notary handbook (see page 6): Kentucky notary statutes, Kentucky Revised Statutes 423.010 - 423.990, do not require the notary to use a seal. Notarizations in Kentucky are regularly performed without a stamp or seal. However, if you wish to obtain a seal of office, it should contain your name and notary public title such as “Notary Public - State at Large” or “Notary Public - Special Commission.”
No seal required.
Source: SOS website
Are Louisiana notaries required to use a seal? A Louisiana notary's signature is his seal.
See also La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 35:1 et seq.; La. Civ. Code Ann. art 1833.
No seal required, but specific requirements if choose to use one.
Source: Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 4, § 951. Seal; authority to administer oaths
A notary public may keep a seal of office, engraved with the notary public's name exactly as it appears on the notary public's commission, and the words "Notary Public" and "Maine" or its abbreviation "Me.," with the arms of state or such other device as the notary public chooses.
Source: Md. Code Ann., State Gov’t § 18-108. Notary Seal or Stamp.
(a) In general.- A notary public shall provide a public notarial seal or stamp with which the notary shall authenticate the notary's acts, instruments, and attestations, on which seal or stamp shall be shown a device that the notary thinks proper and for legend shall have the name, surname, and office of the notary and the notary's place of residence, which shall be designated by the county of the notary's residence or if the notary is a resident of the City of Baltimore, by the City of Baltimore.
(b) Out-of-state notary.- If the notary is an out-of-state notary, the legend shall have the name, surname, office of the notary, and the county where the notary qualified.
(c) Inclusion of expiration date of commission.- Each notary shall include on each act, instrument, or attestation the expiration date of the notary’s commission as a notary.
Seal required.
Source: Notary rules are pursuant to Revised Executive Order No. 455 (04-04) § 5(c). The Massachusetts Governor’s office explained the requirements in this FAQ response:
Notaries must have and use a stamp or seal. It can be either a black ink stamp, or a seal that makes an indentation on the paper. The stamp or seal must contain: (1) the notary public’s name; (2) the words "notary public," "Commonwealth of Massachusetts" or "Massachusetts," and "my commission expires on" or "my commission expires" or "commission expires" (all of which indicate the commission expiration date); and (3) a facsimile of the great seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. If you are a current notary and have a seal that has all of this information except for the expiration date, you may obtain a black ink stamp that has your name and the expiration date. You then would use both the stamp and the seal each time you notarize a document.
Stamp/seal permitted not required; specific contents required, but no requirements for design of stamp.
Source: Mich. Comp. Laws § 55.287. Signature of notary public; statements; stamp, seal, or electronic process; effect of illegible statement.
(1) A notary public shall place his or her signature on every record upon which he or she performs a notarial act. The notary public shall sign his or her name exactly as his or her name appears on his or her application for commission as a notary public.
(2) On each record that a notary public performs a notarial act and immediately near the notary public's signature, as is practical, the notary public shall print, type, stamp, or otherwise imprint mechanically or electronically sufficiently clear and legible to be read by the secretary and in a manner capable of photographic reproduction all of the following in this format or in a similar format that conveys all of the same information:
(a) The name of the notary public exactly as it appears on his or her application for commission as a notary public.
(b) The statement: "Notary public, State of Michigan, County of __________.".
(c) The statement: "My commission expires __________.".
(d) If performing a notarial act in a county other than the county of commission, the statement: "Acting in the County of __________.".
(e) The date the notarial act was performed.
(3) A notary public may use a stamp, seal, or electronic process that contains all of the information required by subsection (2). However, the stamp, seal, or electronic process shall not be used in a manner that renders anything illegible on the record being notarized. An embosser alone or any other method that cannot be reproduced shall not be used.
(4) The illegibility of the statements required in subsection (2) does not affect the validity of the transaction or record that was notarized.
Seal required.
Source: Minn. Stat. § 359.03. SEAL; REGISTER
Subdivision 1.Requirement. Every notary, including an ex officio notary under section 358.15, shall obtain an official notarial stamp as specified in subdivision 3, with which to authenticate official acts. The official notarial stamp, and the notary's official journal, are the personal property of the notary and are exempt from execution.
Subd. 2.Validation and legalization of certain instruments.
(a) All instruments heretofore duly made and executed which have been acknowledged before a notary public as provided by law, but the seal or stamp used thereon has engraved on it "notary public," are hereby validated and legalized, and in case such instruments are recorded, the recording is hereby validated and legalized, and all such instruments are validated to the same extent as though properly sealed at the time of their acknowledgment. This subdivision shall not affect any action now pending in any of the courts of this state.
(b) The official notarial stamp required by this section, whether applied to the record physically or electronically, is deemed to be a "seal" for purposes of the admission of a document in court.
Subd. 3.Specifications. The official notarial stamp consists of the seal of the state of Minnesota, the name of the notary as it appears on the commission or the name of the ex officio notary, the words "Notary Public," or "Notarial Officer" in the case of an ex officio notary, and the words "My commission expires ............... (or where applicable) My term is indeterminate," with the expiration date shown on it and must be able to be reproduced in any legibly reproducible manner. The official notarial stamp shall be a rectangular form of not more than three-fourths of an inch vertically by 2-1/2 inches horizontally, with a serrated or milled edge border, and shall contain the information required by this subdivision.
Subd. 4.Notarial stamp may be affixed electronically. The information required by this section may be affixed electronically and shall be logically and securely affixed or associated with the electronic record being notarized.
Seal required.
Source: 1-14 Miss. Code R. § 403.02. Seal Image.
(1) Near the notary’s official signature on the notarial certificate of a paper document, the notary shall affix a sharp, legible, permanent, and photographically reproducible image of the official seal that shall include the following elements:
(a) the notary’s name exactly as indicated on the commission (abbreviations beyond those already appearing on the commission are not permissible);
(b) the identification number of the notary’s commission;
(c) the words “Notary Public” and “State of Mississippi [insert county of residence] County”;
(d) the words “Commission expires [insert expiration date]”;
(e) a border in a circular shape with a diameter no less than one and one-half inches and no larger than two and one-half inches, surrounding the required words.
(2) Illegible information within a seal impression may be typed or printed legibly by the notary adjacent to but not within the impression.
(3) An embossed seal impression that is not photographically reproducible may be used in addition to but not in lieu of the seal described in Subsection (1).
(4) The model seals contained in Section 902.07 of the Appendix of Forms meet the seal image requirements of Section 403.02(1). The model seals are merely examples of valid seal formats. Other seal formats that meet the requirements of Section 403.02(1) shall likewise be considered valid.
Seal required.
Source: Mo. Rev. Stat. § 486.285. Seal, contents, form—application—property of notary.
486.285. 1. Each notary public shall provide, keep, and use a seal which is either an engraved embosser seal or a black inked rubber stamp seal to be used on the document being notarized. The seal shall contain the notary's name exactly as indicated on the commission and the words "Notary Seal", "Notary Public", and "State of Missouri" and, after August 28, 2004, the commission number assigned by the secretary of state, provided that the notary public has been issued a commission number by the secretary of state, all of which shall be in print not smaller than eight-point type.
2. The indentations made by the seal embosser or printed by the black inked rubber stamp seal shall not be applied on the notarial certificate or document to be notarized in a manner that will render illegible or incapable of photographic reproduction any of the printed marks or writing on the certificate or document.
3. Every notary shall keep an official notarial seal that is the exclusive property of the notary and the seal may not be used by any other person or surrendered to an employer upon termination of employment.
The SOS also explains the requirement in the notary handbook.
Seal required, but requirements vary. Fax to (406) 444-4623 for verification until 09/2013.
Source: Mont. Code Ann. § 1-5-416 (2009). Powers and duties.
(1) A notary public shall: …
(d) provide and keep an official ink stamp and seal prescribed by the secretary of state;
(e) authenticate with the notary public's official seal and the notary's original signature, which must be in blue or black ink, as it appears on the notary's certificate of commission, all official acts. Whenever the notary public signs officially as a notary public, the notary public shall add to the signature the words "Notary Public for the State of Montana, residing at.... (stating the name of the town or city of the notary public's post office)" and shall endorse upon the instrument the date, showing the month, day, and four-digit year, of the expiration of the notary public's commission.
SOS has page dedicated to seals; requirements vary depending on commission expiration date.
A notary with a commission expiration date prior to 10/1/2013 may use either a crimper-type or an ink-type seal. If an ink seal is used, the ink must be blue or black. All notaries with a commission expiration date of October 1, 2013 or laterare required to have an ink stamp unit, rectangular in shape and approximately 1” x 2 ½” in size, that contains a seal and the additional statutorily mandated information: The notary’s printed name; the title, “Notary Public for the State of Montana”; the words, “Residing at” with the name of the city or town where the notary lives; and the notary’s commission expiration date, shown as Month/Day/Four Digit Year. The stamp may be either blue or black ink only.
Seal required.
Source: Neb. Rev. Stat. § 64-210. Seal; contents; ink stamp.
(1) Each notary public, before performing any duties of his or her office, shall provide himself or herself with an official ink stamp seal on which shall appear the words State of Nebraska, General Notary or State of Nebraska, General Notarial, his or her name as commissioned, and the date of expiration of his or her commission.
(2) A notary public shall authenticate all of his or her official acts with such seal.
(3) A notary public whose commission was issued by the Secretary of State before September 1, 2007, is not required to purchase a new ink stamp seal in order to comply with this section until the notary public's commission expires. Upon renewal, each notary public shall have engraved on his or her official ink stamp seal all of the information required in subsection (1) of this section.
See also SOS Handbook
Seal required.
Source: Nev. Rev. Stat. § 240.040. Use of stamp; embossed notarial seal not required; requirements of stamp.
1. The statement required by paragraph (d) of subsection 1 of NRS 240.1655 must:
(a) Be imprinted in indelible, photographically reproducible ink with a rubber or other mechanical stamp; and
(b) Set forth:
(1) The name of the notary public;
(2) The phrase “Notary Public, State of Nevada”;
(3) The date on which the appointment of the notary public expires;
(4) The number of the certificate of appointment of the notary public;
(5) If the notary public so desires, the Great Seal of the State of Nevada; and
(6) If the notary public is a resident of an adjoining state, the word “nonresident.”
2. After July 1, 1965, an embossed notarial seal is not required on notarized documents.
3. The stamp required pursuant to subsection 1 must:
(a) Be a rectangle, not larger than 1 inch by 2 1/2 inches, and may contain a border design; and
(b) Produce a legible imprint.
4. A notary public shall not affix his or her stamp over printed material.
5. As used in this section, “mechanical stamp” includes an imprint made by a computer or other similar technology.
New Hampshire
Seal or stamp required.
Source: N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 455:3. Powers.
Every notary public, in addition to the usual powers of the office, shall have the same powers as a justice of the peace in relation to depositions and the acknowledgment of deeds and other instruments and the administering of oaths. All acknowledgments made by a notary public shall be either under an official seal or shall carry the legible imprint of an official rubber stamp stating the name of the notary, the words ""notary public, New Hampshire'' and the expiration date of the notary public's commission.
See also N. H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 456-B:7. Certificate of Notarial Acts.
I. A notarial act must be evidenced by a certificate signed and dated by a notarial officer. The certificate must include identification of the jurisdiction in which the notarial act is performed and the title of the office of the notarial officer and may include the official stamp or seal of office. If the officer is a notary public, the certificate must also indicate the date of expiration, if any, of the commission of office, but omission of that information may subsequently be corrected. If the officer is a commissioned officer on active duty in the military service of the United States, it must also include the officer's rank.
From notary manual:
All of a Notary Public’s certifications must either be under an official seal or carry the legible imprint of an official rubber stamp.
An official seal must have the following information printed on it:
(1) The notary’s name; and,
(2) The words “Notary Public” and “New Hampshire”. If the notary uses an official seal, he or she must also have a separate rubber stamp that has the expiration date of the Notary Public’s commission on it. An official rubber stamp must have the following information printed on it:
(1) The notary’s name;
(2) The words “Notary Public” and “New Hampshire”; and,
(3) The expiration date of the Notary Public’s Commission.
New Jersey
Seal not required.
Source: N.J. Stat. Ann. § 41:1-7. Seal not necessary to validity of oath or affidavit.
It shall not be necessary to the validity or sufficiency of any oath, affirmation or affidavit, made or taken before any of the persons named in section 41:2-1 of this title, that the same shall be certified under the official seal of the officer before whom made.
See also N.J. Stat. Ann. § 52-7-10 et seq. (does not require stamp/seal); N.J. Stat. Ann. § 52-7-19 (permits but does not require)
New Mexico
Seal required.
Source: N.M. Stat. Ann. § 14-12A-18. Official seal or stamp.
A. A notary public shall keep an official seal or stamp that is the exclusive property of the notary public. The seal or stamp shall not be possessed or used by any other person or surrendered to an employer upon termination of employment.
B. A notarial seal or stamp shall contain the exact name of the notary public as it appears on the application for appointment and the words "NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF NEW MEXICO" and shall authenticate official acts with the seal or stamp.
C. Each notary public shall authenticate official acts with a notarial seal or stamp that, if a seal, shall contain the notary public's name and the words "NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF NEW MEXICO" and that if a stamp, shall be in substantially the following form:
(name of notary public printed)".
D. An impression or image of the seal or stamp shall be affixed only at the time the notarial act is performed.
New York
Seal not required.
Source: N.Y. Exec. § 137. Statement as to authority of notaries public. In exercising his powers pursuant to this article, a notary public, in addition to the venue of his act and his signature, shall print, typewrite, or stamp beneath his signature in black ink, his name, the words "Notary Public State of New York," the name of the county in which he originally qualified, and the date upon which his commission expires and, in addition, wherever required, a notary public shall also include the name of any county in which his certificate of official character is filed, using the words "Certificate filed .......... County."
See also SOS handbook.
North Carolina
Seal required.
Source: N.C. Gen. Stat. § 10B-37. Seal image.
(a) A notary shall affix the notary's official seal near the notary's official signature on the notarial certificate of a record.
(b) A notary's official seal shall include all of the following elements:
(1) The notary's name exactly as commissioned.
(2) The words "Notary Public".
(3) The county of commissioning, including the word "County" or the abbreviation "Co.".
(4) The words "North Carolina" or the abbreviation "NC".
(c) The notary seal may be either circular or rectangular in shape. Upon receiving a commission or a recommission on or after October 1, 2006, a notary shall not use a circular seal that is less than 1 ½ inches, nor more than 2 inches in diameter. The rectangular seal shall not be over 1 inch high and 2 ½ inches long. The perimeter of the seal shall contain a border that is visible when impressed.
(c1) Alterations to any information contained within the seal as embossed or stamped on the record are prohibited.
(d) A notarial seal, as it appears on a record, may contain the permanently imprinted, handwritten, or typed date the notary's commission expires.
(e) Any reference in the General Statutes to the seal of a notary shall include the stamp of a notary, and any reference to the stamp of a notary shall include the seal of the notary.
North Dakota
Seal required.
…After August 1, 2003, a notary being commissioned must obtain a seal approved by the secretary of state which must be designed to leave a clear impression, be photographically reproducible, include the words "State of North Dakota" and "Notary Public", contain the name and commission expiration date of the notary public exactly as shown on the notary's commission, and which may not contain any other words, numbers, symbols, or a reproduction of the great seal of the state. All notary seals must be surrounded by a border and be either one and five-eighths inch [41.28 millimeters] in diameter or if of a rectangular design, may be up to or equal to seven-eighths inch [22.23 millimeters] vertically by two and five-eighths inches [66.68 millimeters] horizontally. An official seal is the property of the notary only and may not be retained or used by any other person including an employer of a notary even if the employer purchased or paid for the notary's seal. An official seal must remain in the direct and exclusive control of the notary at all times during a notary's commission. A notary must affix the notary's seal to each jurat or certificate of acknowledgment at the time of performing the notarial act.
North Marianas
Seal required.
Source: Public Law No. 14-52. § 3322. Seal.
(a) Every notary public shall keep a seal of office, which may be a rubber stamp or impression seal, engraved with his or her name, and the words “Notary Public” and “Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.” The notary public shall authenticate all of his official acts, attestations, certificates and instruments therewith.
(b) Upon resignation, death, expiration of term of office, removal from or abandonment of office, or change in residence from the Commonwealth, the notary public shall immediately deliver his or her seal to the Attorney General, who shall deface or destroy it. By failing for 60 days to comply with the above requirement, the notary public, or the notary’s executor or administrator, shall forfeit to the Commonwealth not more than $500, in the discretion of the court, to be recovered in an action to be brought by the Attorney General on behalf of the Commonwealth.
Seal required.
Source: Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 147.04 Seal and register.
Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, a notary public shall provide himself with a seal of a notary public. The seal shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle one inch in diameter and shall be surrounded by the words “notary public,” “notarial seal,” or words to that effect, the name of the notary public and the words “State of Ohio.” The seal may be of either a type that will stamp ink onto a document or one that will emboss it. The name of the notary public may, instead of appearing on the seal, be printed, typewritten, or stamped in legible, printed letters near his signature on each document signed by him. A notary public shall also provide himself with an official register in which shall be recorded a copy of every certificate of protest and copy of note, which seal and record shall be exempt from execution. Upon the death, expiration of term without reappointment, or removal from office of any notary public, his official register shall be deposited in the office of the county recorder of the county in which he resides.
Seal required.
Source: Okla. Stat. §49-5. Official seal - Types of seals - Authentication of documents - Penalties - Fees - Exception.
Every notary shall obtain a notarial seal containing the words “State of Oklahoma” and “Notary Public” and the notary’s name. This seal may be either a metal seal which leaves an embossed impression or a rubber stamp used in conjunction with a stamp pad and ink. Each notary shall authenticate all official acts, attestations, and instruments with this seal; and shall add to the notary’s official signature, the commission number of the notary and the date of expiration of the commission of the notary. Failure to add the commission number or the date of expiration of the commission shall not affect the recordability of the instrument or the notice given by such recording. This date and commission number may be a part of the stamp or seal.
Seal required.
Source: Or. Rev. Stat. § 194.031 Notarial seal; exception for notarization of certain plats; filing of sample imprint; replacement seal; rules.
(1) The official seal of a notary public shall be a stamp made of rubber or some other substance capable of making a legible imprint on paper in black ink. The imprint must legibly reproduce under photographic methods.
(2) The Secretary of State shall adopt rules prescribing the size and form of the imprint of the official seal to promote uniformity, legibility and permanency.
(3) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, the attempt to notarize an instrument required to be notarized shall be of no effect unless it bears an imprint of the official seal of the notary who performed the notarization made in the manner required under subsections (1) and (2) of this section.
(4) The imprint of the official seal of a notary public shall not be required to effectuate a notarization of a subdivision or partition plat required under ORS 92.010 to 92.192 or a condominium plat required under ORS 100.115, or any replat, supplement or amendment thereto, if the following appear below the notary’s signature:
(a) The printed name of the notary public;
(b) The words “NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON”;
(c) The words “COMMISSION NO.” immediately followed by the notary public’s commission number; and
(d) The words “MY COMMISSION EXPIRES” immediately followed by the date the notary public’s commission expires, expressed in terms of the month, by name not abbreviated, two-digit date and complete year.
(5) Upon delivery of an official seal to a notary public, the notary public shall cause an imprint of the official seal to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, together with any other information that is by rule required. The filing shall be done in the manner and within the time prescribed by rule.
See also Or. Admin. R. 160-100-0100. Description of Imprint of Official Seal.
(1) The reasonably legible imprint of an official seal of a notary public shall contain:
(a) The state seal, as described in ORS 186.020;
(b) The following words, in descending order, centered in the official seal to the right of the state seal:
(A) The words "Official Seal";
(B) The printed name of the notary public;
(C) The words "Notary Public — Oregon";
(D) The words "Commission No." immediately followed by the notary public’s commission number;
(E) The words "My Commission Expires", immediately followed by the notary public's commission expiration date, expressed in terms of the month, two-digit date, and complete year.
(2) The imprint of an official seal of a notary public shall be made with permanent black ink.
Or. Admin. R. 160-100-0120. Description of Official Seal Embosser.
(1) An official seal embosser of a notary public shall be two concentric circles each formed by a continuous solid or intermittent line.
(2) The embossment of the official seal embosser of a notary public shall contain the following legible printing:
(a) The name of the notary public centered at the top and between the two circles;
(b) The words "STATE OF OREGON" centered at the bottom and between the two circles;
(c) The word "NOTARY" above the word "PUBLIC" both centered within the inner circle.
Seal required.
Source: Act No. 373 of 1953, as amended by Act 151 of 2002, effective July 1, 2003, § 12. Notarial Seal.
(a) A notary public shall provide and keep an official seal which shall be used to authenticate all the acts, instruments and attestations of the notary. The seal shall be a rubber stamp and shall show clearly in the following order: the words “Notarial Seal”; the name and surname of the notary and the words “Notary Public”; the name of the municipality and county in which the notary maintains an office; and the date the notary’s commission expires.
(b) The seal shall have a maximum height of one (1) inch and width of three and one-half (3 1/2 ) inches, with a plain border. It shall be stamped in a prominent place on the official notarial certificate near the notary's signature in such a manner as to be capable of photographic reproduction.
(f) Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, in accordance with the act of December 16, 1999 (P.L. 971, No. 69), known as the “Electronic Transactions Act,” a notary public is not required to use an electronic seal for the notarization, acknowledgment or verification of electronic records and electronic signatures, provided that, in any event, the following information is attached to or logically associated with the electronic signature or electronic record being notarized, acknowledged or verified:
(1) The full name of the notary along with the words “Notary Public.”
(2) The name of the municipality and the county in which the notary maintains an office.
(3) The date the notary's commission is due to expire.
Puerto Rico
Seal Required.
Source: P.R. Laws Ann. Title 4, § 2034. Public documents - Signatures; initials; flourish and seal.
The grantors and witnesses shall sign the deed and shall also affix the initials of their name and surname or surnames to the margin of each one of the pages of the document which shall be flourished and sealed by the notary.
Rhode Island
Seal not required.
Source: SOS Handbook
Section 3: Scope and Description of Duties
(d) Although not required by the Rhode Island General Laws, it is prudent for a notary public to use a seal when notarizing documents. The seal should include the notary's name exactly as it appears on his or her commission and the words "NOTARY PUBLIC" and "RHODE ISLAND." A notary's seal is the exclusive property of the notary; it may not be used by any other person. This section shall not preclude a notary who is a member of the General Assembly in the State of Rhode Island from notarizing a document without the use of a seal on the floor of the General Assembly during open session.
South Carolina
Seal required.
Source: S.C. Code Ann. § 26-1-60. Seal of office; notary shall indicate date of expiration of commission.
Each notary public shall have a seal of office, which shall be affixed to his instruments of publications and to his protestations. He shall indicate below his signature the date of expiration of his commission. But the absence of such seal or date prior to and after May 30, 1968 shall not render his acts invalid if his official title be affixed thereto.
South Dakota
Seal required.
Source: S.D. Codified Laws § 18-1-3.1. Requirements of notary public seal.
Commission expiration date required on notarized document. Each notary public shall have a seal which shall be used for the purpose of acknowledging documents. The seal shall be of a type approved by the secretary of state and shall contain at least the following:
(1) The notary's name;
(2) The words, South Dakota;
(3) The words, notary public; and
(4) A border surrounding the imprint.
In addition, rubber stamp seals shall have the word, seal.
If a seal is used by a notary public, the notary public shall write, or print by a device made for such printing, below the seal's imprint or print and if not provided by the form, the words, my commission expires, and shall provide a date therefor.
Seal required.
Source: Tenn. Code Ann. § 8-16-114. Seal of notary public for the state of Tennessee — Imprinting of seal — Fee.
(a) The secretary of state shall prescribe and design an official seal to be used by a Tennessee notary public. The seal of office may be imprinted by a rubber or other type of stamp. Such stamp shall imprint the seal of office in any color other than black or yellow, provided the color used to imprint the seal shall be clearly legible and appear as black when photocopied on a non-color copier. Nothing in this subsection (a) shall be construed to require a notary public to procure such a rubber or other stamp or to use a particular color of ink with the stamp prior to the expiration of the notary's term of office, and all impression notary seals shall be valid for use until the end of the notary's term of office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or provision of this subsection (a) to the contrary, the use of an embossed notary seal after May 12, 2003, shall not render such an acknowledgement defective. No person shall incur any civil or criminal liability for failure to imprint the seal of office in a color required by this subsection (a) nor shall any document or title imprinted with a seal of the wrong color be invalid because of such failure.
See also Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1360-7-2-01. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE.
(1) A notary public commissioned on or after July 1, 2004, shall use a notary seal that substantially conforms to the following design: a circular seal with the notary public’s name as it appears on the commission printed at the top, the county of election printed at the bottom, and the words “State of Tennessee Notary Public” or “Tennessee Notary Public” printed in the center. A sample seal format appears below.

(2) Effective July 1, 2004, and until the expiration of his/her current term of office, a notary public commissioned prior to July 1, 2004, shall use either the notary seal design identified in section (1), or a notary seal that substantially conforms to the following design: a circular seal with the notary public’s name as it appears on the commission printed at the top, the county of election and state printed at the bottom, and “Notary Public at Large” printed in the center. A sample seal format appears below.

Seal required.
Source: Tex. Gov’t Code Ann. § 406.013.
(a) A notary public shall provide a seal of office that clearly shows, when embossed, stamped, or printed on a document, the words "Notary Public, State of Texas" around a star of five points, the notary public's name, and the date the notary public's commission expires. Notaries public commissioned for the first time on or after January 1, 2016, and notaries public renewing their commissions on or after that date must have their notary ID number on their seal of office. See Section 406.013 of the Texas Government Code as amended by HB 1683 (PDF). The notary public shall authenticate all official acts with the seal of office.
(b) The seal may be a circular form not more than two inches in diameter or a rectangular form not more than one inch in width and 2-1/2 inches in length. The seal must have a serrated or milled edge border.
(c) The seal must be affixed by a seal press or stamp that embosses or prints a seal that legibly reproduces the required elements of the seal under photographic methods. An indelible ink pad must be used for affixing by a stamp the impression of a seal on an instrument to authenticate the notary public's official act.
(d) Subsection (c) does not apply to an electronically transmitted authenticated document, except that an electronically transmitted authenticated document must legibly reproduce the required elements of the seal.
Seal required.
Source: Utah Code Ann. § 46-1-16. Official signature -- Official seal -- Seal impression.
(1) In completing a notarial act, a notary shall sign on the notarial certificate exactly and only the name indicated on the notary's commission.
(2) (a) A notary shall keep an official notarial seal that is the exclusive property of the notary and that may not be used by any other person.
(b) Upon the resignation, revocation, or expiration of a notarial commission, the seal shall be destroyed.
(c) Each notarial seal obtained by a notary on or after July 1, 2003 shall use purple ink.
(3) (a) A new seal shall be obtained for any new commission or recommission.
(b) A new seal shall be obtained if the notary changes the notary's name of record at any time during the notary's commission.
(c) The seal impression shall be affixed near the notary's official signature on a notarial certificate and shall include a sharp, legible, and photographically reproducible ink impression of the notarial seal that consists of:
(i) the notary public's name exactly as indicated on the notary's commission;
(ii) the words "notary public," "state of Utah," and "my commission expires on (commission expiration date)";
(iii) for a notary seal issued on or after July 1, 2008, the notary's commission number, exactly as indicated on the notary's commission;
(iv) a facsimile of the great seal of the state; and
(v) a rectangular border no larger than one inch by two and one-half inches surrounding the required words and seal.
(4) An embossed seal impression that is not photographically reproducible may be used in addition to, but not in place of, the photographically reproducible seal required in this section.
(5) The notarial seal shall be affixed in a manner that does not obscure or render illegible any information or signatures contained in the document or in the notarial certificate.
(6) A notary acknowledgment on an annexation, subdivision, or other map or plat is considered complete without the imprint of the notary's official seal if:
(a) the notary signs the acknowledgment in permanent ink; and
(b) the following appear below or immediately adjacent to the notary's signature:
(i) the notary's full name and commission number appears exactly as indicated on the notary's commission;
(ii) the words "A notary public commissioned in Utah"; and
(iii) the expiration date of the notary's commission.
(7) A notary acknowledgment on an electronic message or document is considered complete without the imprint of the notary's seal if the following information appears electronically within the message:
(a) the notary's full name and commission number appearing exactly as indicated on the notary's commission; and
"notary public," "state of Utah," and "my commission expires on______ (date)".
Seal not required.
Source: The Notary Guide states that Vermont law does not require the use of seals by notaries. This requirement was repealed in 1984 (No. 194, Adj. Sess., §2). For documents leaving the state you may need a seal, but within the state no seal is required.
Virgin Islands
Seal required.
Source: V.I. Code Ann. tit. 3, § 776. Notarial seal; signature
(a) Each notary public shall keep an official impression seal bearing his name, date of expiration of commission, and judicial division.
(b) The notary public must affix his impression seal to each document and either write, print or stamp his or her name in a legible fashion on the document.
(c) A document is not properly notarized until both the seal has been impressed thereon and the name of the notary public has been affixed thereto.
Seal required.
Source: Va. Code Ann. § 47.1-16. Notarizations to show date of act, etc.
C. Upon every writing which is the subject of a notarial act, the notary shall, after his certificate, state the date of the expiration of his commission in substantially the following form: "My commission expires the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . . .."
Near the notary's official signature on the notarial certificate of a paper document, the notary shall affix a sharp, legible, permanent, and photographically reproducible image of the official seal, or, to an electronic document, the notary shall attach an official electronic seal.
D. The notary shall attach the official electronic signature and seal to the electronic notarial certificate of an electronic document in a manner that is capable of independent verification and renders any subsequent changes or modifications to the electronic document evident.
E. A notary's electronic signature and seal shall conform to generally accepted standards for secure electronic notarization.
Seal required.
Source: Wash. Rev. Code § 42.44.050. Seal or stamp.
Every person appointed as a notary public in this state shall procure a seal or stamp, on which shall be engraved or impressed the words "Notary Public" and "State of Washington," the date the appointment expires, the person's surname, and at least the initials of the person's first and middle names. The director shall prescribe by rule the size and form or forms of the seal or stamp.
See also Wash. Admin. Code § 308-30-010. Size and form of notary seal or stamp.
A notary seal shall be one and five-eighths inches minimum in diameter. If a notary stamp is used the following requirements shall apply:
(1) The type shall be a minimum of 8 point type.
(2) The stamp shall be minimum one and five-eighths inches in diameter. If a rectangular stamp is used the minimum dimensions shall be one inch wide by one and five-eighths inches long.
(3) The imprint shall be affixed with indelible ink only.
(4) The face of any notary stamp shall contain permanently affixed letters and numerals and shall not be preprinted.
(5) The use of the Washington state seal on the notary stamp or seal is prohibited.
(6) A vendor may not provide a notarial seal, or stamp, either inking or embossing, to a person claiming to be a notary, unless the person presents a photo copy of the person's Notary Certificate.
(7) A notary applying for a seal or stamp as a result of a name change shall present a copy to the vendor of the certificate evidencing the notary's name change from the director.
West Virginia
Seal required.
Source: W. Va. Code § 29C-4-102. Rubber stamp seal.
Under or near his official signature on every notarial certificate, a notary public shall rubber stamp clearly and legibly, so that it is capable of photographic reproduction:
(a) The words "Official Seal";
(b) His name exactly as he writes his official signature;
(c) The words "Notary Public,""State of West Virginia" and "My Commission expires (commission expiration date)";
(d) The address of his business or residence in this state; and
(e) A serrated or milled edge border in a rectangular form not more than one inch in width by two and one-half inches in length surrounding the information.
No person holding a notary commission pursuant to former section two, article four, chapter twenty-nine on the effective date of this chapter may be required to obtain or use a rubber stamp seal prior to the expiration of that commission. However, such a notary who was appointed for one or more counties of the state may obtain and use the rubber stamp seal prior to the expiration of that commission if the name of the county in which the notarial act is performed is on the seal used for that act.
See also W. Va. Code § 29C-4-103. Seal embosser.
(a) Every notary public may provide, keep and use a seal embosser engraved to show the words "Notary Seal," his name, "Notary Public," and "State of West Virginia."
(b) The indentations made by the seal embosser shall not be applied on the notarial certificate or document to be notarized in a manner that will render illegible or incapable of photographic reproduction any of the printed marks or writing.
Seal required.
Source: Wis. Stat. § 137.01. NOTARIES (3) NOTARIAL SEAL OR STAMP.
…(3)(a) Except as authorized in s. 137.19, every notary public shall provide an engraved official seal which makes a distinct and legible impression or official rubber stamp which makes a distinct and legible imprint on paper. The impression of the seal or the imprint of the rubber stamp shall state only the following: "Notary Public," "State of Wisconsin" and the name of the notary. But any notarial seal in use on August 1, 1959, shall be considered in compliance.
(b) The impression of the notarial seal upon any instrument or writing or upon wafer, wax or other adhesive substance and affixed to any instrument or writing shall be deemed an affixation of the seal, and the imprint of the notarial rubber stamp upon any instrument or writing shall be deemed an affixation of the rubber stamp.
Seal required.
Source: Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 32-1-106. Official seal.
(a) Each notary public before entering upon the duties of his office, shall provide himself with an official seal with which he shall authenticate all his official acts, which seal shall clearly show, when embossed, stamped, impressed or affixed to a document, his name, the words "notary public," the name of the county wherein he resides, and the word "Wyoming," and the seal of a notary public shall not be levied upon or sold. If the notary public changes his county of residence to a different county than that shown on the seal, he shall have the seal altered to indicate such change.
(b) The seal of every notary public may be affixed by a seal press or stamp that will print or emboss a seal which legibly reproduces under the photographic methods the name of the notary, the words "notary public," the name of the county in which he resides and the word "Wyoming." The seal may be circular not over two (2) inches in diameter or may be a rectangular form of not more than three-fourths of an inch in width by two and one-half (2 1/2) inches in length, with a serrated or milled edged border, and shall contain the information required by this section.
Any questions call 714-979-1405 or email us at