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Amano Time Cards & Accessories

Amano Time Clock Supplies & Accessories

Amano is one of the leading names in time clock systems today. If you’re looking for a reliable and reputable brand, Amano is a fantastic choice. Amano offers innovative technology in every single one of their products. Amano Cincinnati is a world class manufacturer with more than 100 years of experience in time clocks and time and attendance systems. It is a subsidiary of Amano USA Holdings, Inc.

Amano Cincinnati, Inc. designs, manufactures and distributes an array of time recorders, from simple punch time clocks to sophisticated employee time clock systems. Choose between systems that utilize traditional time cards or more advanced biometric systems. Amano biometric time clocks scan the fingerprint or hand print of an employee for recognition. These systems can help to eliminate “buddy punching.”

For higher quantity price breaks or any questions call 714-979-1405 or email us at Sales@HittMarking.com

49 items found
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Acroprint ES-700 Replacement Ribbon
Color; Black

AMA-099000 Time Cards for MJR Series
Compatible with the MJR 7000 Series

AMA1790 Semi-Monthly Time Cards
Compatible with the TCX Series and PIX Series

AMA-249000 Time Cards
Compatible with the MJR 8000 Series

AMA5200 Weekly Time Cards
Compatible with the TCX Series and PIX Series

AMA5200-2 Bi-Weekly Time Cards
Compatible with the TCX Series and PIX Series

AMA-552550 Weekly Time Cards
Compatible with the BX-1500, BX-1600, EX-3500N, BX-6000

AMA-556950 Time Cards
Compatible with BX-1500, BX-1600, EX-3500N, BX-6000

TC-8400BK Black Ribbon for 4700/4800
Compatible with the following time clocks: TCX Series including 11/21/22/45/85/90, PIX Series including 10/15/21/25/55/75/95/200/3000x, BX-6000

TC-8400GR Green Ribbon for 4700/4800
Compatible with the following time clocks: TCX Series including 11/21/22/45/85/90, PIX Series including 10/15/21/25/55/75/95/200/3000x, BX-6000

PIX 3000 Amano Replacement Ribbon
Replacement ribbon cartridge for Amano PIX10, PIX21, PIX28, PIX200, and PIX3000 series Electronic time clock.

TC-8400RD Red Ribbon for 4700/4800
Compatible with the following time clocks: TCX Series including 11/21/22/45/85/90, PIX Series including 10/15/21/25/55/75/95/200/3000x, BX-6000

Amano TC-8400 Ribbon for 4700/4800 Series Only
Compatible with the following time clocks: TCX Series including 11/21/22/45/85/90, PIX Series including 10/15/21/25/55/75/95/200/3000x, BX-6000

CE-319252 Black Ribbon - Compatible with BX-1500/1600 & MRX-35 Series
Compatible with the following time clocks: TCX Series including 11/21/22/45/85/90, PIX Series including 10/15/21/25/55/75/95/200/3000x, BX-6000

ARX-10130 Weekly or Bi-Weekly Time Cards
Compatible with MRX-35

Time Cards for CP-3000
Compatible with the CP-3000 Series

C-872304 Single Color Ribbon (MJR-7000)
Compatible with MJR-7000

C-872404 Two Color Ribbon (MJR-7000)
Compatible with MJR-7000

CE-315151 Black Ribbon - Compatible with TCX, PIX, BX-6000 Series
Compatible with the following time clocks: TCX Series including 11/21/22/45/85/90, PIX Series including 10/15/21/25/55/75/95/200/3000x, BX-6000

CE-315251 Two Color Ribbon - Compatible with TCX, PIX, BX-6000 Series
Compatible with the following time clocks: TCX Series including 11/21/22/45/85/90, PIX Series including 10/15/21/25/55/75/95/200/3000x, BX-6000

CP 3000 Amano Replacement Ribbon
CP 3000 Amano Replacement Ribbon

TC-8400BL Blue Ribbon for 4700/4800 Series Only
Compatible with the following time clocks: TCX Series including 11/21/22/45/85/90, PIX Series including 10/15/21/25/55/75/95/200/3000x, BX-6000

Acroprint Time Cards
Acroprint Model 125, Model 150, Model 175, ESP180, ES700, ES900 and many models by Lathem, Amano and others.

Time Cards: Weekly Style 25131
Acroprint Model 125, Model 150, Model 175, ESP180, ES700, ES900 and many models by Lathem, Amano and others.

Acroprint Time Cards
Acroprint Model 125, Model 150, Model 175, ESP180, ES700, ES900 and many models by Amano, Lathem and others. Packed 1,000 cards per box.

YK-629671 Red Ribbon - Compatible with TCX, PIX, BX-6000 Series
Compatible with the following time clocks: TCX Series including 11/21/22/45/85/90, PIX Series including 10/15/21/25/55/75/95/200/3000x, BX-6000

YK-629771 Green Ribbon - Compatible with TCX, PIX, BX-6000 Series
Compatible with the following time clocks: TCX Series including 11/21/22/45/85/90, PIX Series including 10/15/21/25/55/75/95/200/3000x, BX-6000

Amano Metal Key - C-459151
Fits the following models; MJR-7000, MJR-8000, TCX-11, TCX-21/22, PIX-200, PIX-3000, BX-1500, BX-1600, BX-6000, EX-3500, EX-9000, CP-3000, NS-5100

Amano Plastic Key - AJR-201150
Fits the following models; PIX-10, PIX-15, PIX-21, PIX-28, PIX-55, TCX-45

AMX-409700 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-409800 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-409900 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-410000 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-410200 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-410300 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-410500 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-410600 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-410700 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-410800 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-411000 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-411100 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-411200 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-411300 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-411400 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-411500 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-411600 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

AMX-411700 TA Mag Stripe Badges
Compatible with MTX-15 Serial & Ethernet Terminal

Amano Metal Station Key with Metal Chain
Restricts access to record tape and time by use of a master key

Amano PR-600 Recording Tape
Box of paper tape for use with the PR-600 only