Two Component Silk Screen Epoxy Mixing Instructions
Properties: Superior adhesion to epoxy, glass, metal or other non-porous surfaces. Excellent resistance to abrasion and flux removing solvents.
Cures at room temperature. This ink may also be rubber stamped. Meets CID A-A-56032D, type I, II and III. Formerly: MIL-I-43553b
Colors: Standard EIA colors: red, orange, brown, yellow, green, blue, violet, white, gray, clear, black and jet black.
Cure Cycles: This is a room temperature cure ink which is dry to the touch within 2 hours, and requires up to 7 days developing full solvent resistance.
This ink may also be force cured by baking at one of the following time/temperature cycles; 250 degrees F (121C)-30 min. or 300 degrees F (149C)-10
min. or 350 degrees F (177C)-6 min.
Pot Life: Under normal conditions, 5-6 hours after the two components are mixed. Higher than normal room temperature will shorten the pot life. Ink in
silk screen apparatus may lose solvent and thicken.
Shelf Life: Use within 1 year is recommended. Storage in refrigerator is suggested.
Mixing Instruction: Mix 5 parts of ink thoroughly with 1 part of catalyst by weight. Allow an induction period of 15 minutes to achieve best results.
Availability: The two components are sold as a kit in the following units. 12.5 gram packets, quarts or gallons. Together the two components will equal
the unit size.
Thinner: Epoxy Ink Thinner only. Other thinners will adversely affect this ink. Use a minimum amount to achieve the desired consistency. Ink that has
lost solvent in the silk screen apparatus may be thinned. If the ink is over 6 hours old, it should be replaced with a fresh batch of ink.
Cleaner: Epoxy Ink Cleaner only.
Statement of Liability
Neither the manufacturer nor the seller shall be liable for any injury, loss or damage arising out of the use of this product. The only obligations of
the manufacturer or the seller shall be to replace any quantity of this product found to be defective or, at the option of the seller or manufacturer,
to refund the purchase price. The purchaser of user of this product should, before use of the product, determine whether it is suitable for that use.
The user assumes all risks and liability in connection with that use.