H-6107 Shiny Heavy Duty Self-Inking Dater.
The Shiny H-6107 dater has so many great characteristics that each stamp is a great buy. Each of these Shiny date stamps are made of heavy-duty metal and recycled PET plastics making them one of the most Eco-friendly and durable lines of custom self-inking daters. Although these are heavy metal date stamps as the name implies, each model has a super smooth oscillations making them easy for anyone in the office to operate. These Heavy Duty dater stamps have a band protective cover to keep your fingers clean when changing dates. They are made of solid structure with a soft handle and full size display window.
- 1-9/16" x 2-3/8" print area
- 5/32" Date Bands
- Year bands on all models contain multiple years.
Choose the following colors; Black, Red, Purple, Green, Pink, Blue and Two Color.
Any questions call 714-979-1405 or email us at Sales@HittMarking.com