Widmer T2E Electric Embosser
The Model T2E Electric Embosser is the Thoroughbred of Embossers!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Text Seal Included. Art Seal insert sold separately and will need to be QUOTED.
The Model T2E Electric Embosser makes a raised impression by dry stamping all kinds of documents. For precise positioning of the print, the machine is equipped with a stop with adjustable brackets. Embossing is essential to secure official documents, photos, or to add a logo or other raised symbol on business cards, stationery, etc. Depending on paper weight, you can emboss 1 to 10 sheets at once. The Model T2E Electric Embosser is also equipped with a manual pressure control device. The impression is created by triggering a micro switch, or pressing a button which activates the stamping after the insertion of paper.
– Easy and accurate embossing.
– Creates a raised impression in paper.
– Ability to mount a stamp with a maximum diameter of 2 inches.
– Adjustable stop for accuracy.
– Suitable for both single and multiple sheets of paper, or light cardboard.
– Meets the security requirements of most federal, state, and municipal governments*
– Warranty: 1 year
*please check your local laws and requirements
– Maximum diameter of the stamp: 2"
– Opening depth: 4.13"
– Security Key comes standard.
– imensions: 11" x 11.8" x 10.25"
– Weight: 51 lbs.
– Power supply: 110 V 60 Hz (Optional: 220 V 50 Hz)
– Color: light gray
NOTE: The T2E is built to order. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
INSERT DIRECTION: Paper insert direction. ASK: if you are reading the document, which side do you insert in the seal TOP / BOTTOM / LEFT / RIGHT, choose only one, (not bottom/left etc). Charge applies to change insert direction.

ARTWORK; Sometimes original artwork is outdated or needs to be cleaned up for use on embossers, award plaques, rubber stamps, name badges or specialty applications. A full color to black and white conversion is our specialty! We redraw the image to eliminate fuzzy backgrounds and leave a sharp, clean image which is critical for a quality product. Just send us what you have and we will advise on what needs to be done. Most artwork redraws are starting at a minimum charge of $40.00, or $75.00 per hour of complete graphic work/labor charge.
Please call customer service at 800-969-6699 or email us at Sales@HittMarking.com for complete cost of brass die & alloy counter.