Ultraviolet Lamps & Ink |
UV Stamps

The UV Stamp is made to out last any other conventional rubber stamp when using UV Re-admission inks. It comes with a lifetime warranty and is primarily a custom stamp.

UVP has a large selection of high intensity and display type ultraviolet lamps to accommodate many applications and budgets. Refer to Ultraviolet Hand Lamps section for smaller scale lamp models. |
Bench and Display UV Lamps

Dimensions: 18.5"L x 4.75"W x 5"H (470 x 114 x 89mm) |
Mineralight Display Lamps
Display lamps use two 25-watt high performance tubes providing hours of UV illumination for fluorescence, sterilization or inspection applications. Each lamp comes with adjustable handles and mounting bracket for hanging.
UVL-225D 365nm UV 95-0190-01(115V) / 95-0190-02 (230V)
UVS-225D 254nm UV 95-0191-01(115V)/95-0190-02(230V)
UVM-225D 302nm UV 95-0189-01(115V)/95-0189-02(230V)
UVLS-225D 365/254nm 95-0192-01(115V)/95-0192-02(230V) |
UVGD-68 Display Lamp
This shortwave, high intensity UV lamp is excellent for large scale display of minerals. Lamp grid is rated at 20,000 hours of use. Adjustable handles/brackets are supplied for easy mounting. |
XX-Series Display/Bench Lamps
Bench lamp line is expanded to offer a complete selection of models -- fixture only or two tubes each of the following wavelengths: longwave, BLB (black light blue), shortwave or midrange. Products for use with the XX-15 Lamps include: Filter covers and clear covers can be attached the lamp.New XX-20 series and XX-40 Bench Lamps offer a greater area of illumination.
Models are available with either BLB or shortwave UV. The Sterilaire shortwave models are designed to use in sterilization applications. |
Exposure Stand
The XX-15 Lamp connects to the new Exposure Stand which provides a platform for UV fluorescence experimentation. The shelf is adjustable to different levels for repeatable exposure of samples. |
BL-15 Illumination Lamps
This longwave UV lamp is ideal for inspection applications in inaccessible places. |
R-52 Grid Lamp - Shortwave UV
The R-52 Grid Lamp's uniform source of high-intensity shortwave UV is for applications including bacteria destruction, sterilization and photochemistry. A filter assembly can be easily attached to convert this lamp for fluorescent analysis. UVP's special UVG shortwave filter reduces solarization, prolonging the filter life. Lamp mounts securely in its transformer base or detach the lamp for movement around your work area. Primary electrical cord: 8 feet (2.4m) and secondary electrical cord: 3 feet (0.9m). |
High Intensity Longwave UV Lamps

High intensity ultraviolet lamps are available with the Cool-Touch heat-resistant housing (B-100AP, B-100AP/R, B-100SP, B-100YP, B-100EP) or the metal fabricated lamp housing (B-100A, B-100A/R, B-100Y). See below for additional specifications.
Model B-100SP comes with a self-ballasted 160 watt longwave bulb. Other features include:
Cool-Touch plastic, heat-resistant lamp housing and pistol-grip handle Special bulb protector. On/off switch located on the handle. This lamp is recommended for use in leak detection applications. |
Models feature same longwave UV and Cool-Touch housing and spot bulb and ballast base. Lamp head can rotate 360 degrees when attached to the base for hands-free operation or lamp can be removed from the base. 8 ft primary and secondary cords. B-100AP/R (not shown) offers a longer cord lengths - 20 foot (6.1m) primary and secondary cord lengths. Accessories: Finger guard, lamp funnel, lamp visor. |
The longwave B-100A is manufactured with a scratch-resistant aluminum housing which connects to ballast base with an 8 foot cord; 8 foot secondary cord is included. Accessories: Lamp Visor |
B-100Y and B-100YP (picture shown)
Models feature a yellow filter which blocks wavelengths shorter than 500nm and produces three strong mercury lines at 543, 574 and 576nm. B-100Y is built with the aluminum housing; B-100YP plastic housing. Excellent for semiconductor wafer inspection as most photoresist absorption occurs below 450nm. |
UV-L21 & UV-J124 |
UV-L56 & J-129 |
Hand stamping is a preferred method of readmittance control and beverage control at many amusement parks and nightclubs. A Blak-Ray ultraviolet lamp is used with readmission inks to regulate access. In the case of readmittance control, an attendant stamps the hands of patrons who wish to leave the premises and return a short time later. In the case of beverage control, patrons of drinking age typically have their hands stamped to differentiate them from minors. |
Recommended Ultraviolet Lamps
The high intensity model B-lOOAP is popular in high-patronage clubs and for outside use in amusement parks. The B-100 AP's patented Cool-Touch lamp housing is safe to touch so patrons and personnel's fingers will not be burned. The Fingerguard is recommended for readmission use to avoid contact with the bulb. |

UV-ML49 |
UV-L4 |
UVL-26P |
UVP's high-quality, wide style XX-1 SBLB Lamp is designed to illuminate large access areas. This fixture can be conveniently mounted on a wall or hung from the ceiling. An optional clear filter cover protects the tubes. The XX-40 illuminates a broader expanse. The 6-watt UVL-56 used in conjunction with the J-129 lamp stand and the 4-watt UVL-21 with the J-124 1amp stand are popular for use at indoor establishments. When complete portability is required, UVP's ML-49 6-watt lamp operates off two 6-volt lantern batteries (or two rechargeable batteries and charger), and the UVL-26P operates from its internal lead-acid rechargeable battery. For beverage control, bar personnel frequently use the convenient 4-watt UVL-4 lamp. This lightweight lamp is small enough to slip in a shirt pocket or carry on a cocktail tray. The UVL-4 operates off 4 standard AA batteries.
Blak-Ray Readmission Inks |
Ordinary inks can be transferred to another person's hand or imitated with an ink pen. When confronted with a crowd at the entrance (or bar) readmittance attendants (or bartenders) using other control inks and methods can be less than thorough in their inspection techniques and admit (serve) people with forged stamps causing potential security problems. Blak-Ray lamps and inks help eliminate that problem, allowing personnel to quickly and accurately inspect each stamp.